Thursday, March 16, 2006

Part 9: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Soundtrack: Glasses go clinkety clink

i got drunk and went on holiday all the time sometimes i got really drunk and went really on holiday you know it was like hip the fuckin hooray life man like my girl wants to party all the time party all the time party all the tiiiiime so i did there were many stories some involved drugs and mostly all sorts of up and down emotional rollercoasters which is what drugs do so then finally all my money started to run out and i was like hey fuck dude what's with this whole bill shit and angry letters don't you know i'm busy getting like hedonistic and fucked up and salivating over girls in short tartan skirts cause that's my fetish right well that and just fucking all the time but then i really ran out of money so i'm like to the dude i know i'm like hey dude i know can i have a job now and he's all like fuck yeah so i started to work at his pub then yesterday these other dudes i know are all like hey man what are you doing and i'm like well working at this dude's pub cause i spent all my money and they're like cool we wanna pay you too you can like design our entire shop and be in charge of everything and shit just make it all cool and i'm like how much and they're like this much and i'm like dude and they're like yeah and so then i went to the pub to work after that and it still hasn't sunk in yet but now i have two jobs and also on top of that i want to party all the time party all the time party all the tiiiiiiiiime cause you know that's an eddie murphy song hey what you didn't know that well it is and i had a really interesting day.


I don't really want to party all the time. There's a big long freeway in front of me. I want to buy a motorbike and leave all of this tedious shit behind. I want to burn my memories and lean over the handle bars and just feel. Racing [on one wheel] smiling [sneering] letting go again.

Tact and manners are beautiful things. But so is letting the fuck go of the handelbars once in a while. Not just writing about it, but actually doing it.

I'm sleep typing. Night.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

but is letting go of the handlebars going out and getting drunk and behaving in a way that then makes you regret? or feel sick? or have your liver wail in protest?

i too like to let go of the handlebars. i even like to stand up on the seat and fling my arms out wide. it's an innate urge with me i think. but what is a healthy way of doing that? all the drink takes its toll. it really does. physically and emotionally. you talk of the drug rollercoaster. drink does the same, once you've been drinking solidly for 25 years. you are young and beautiful. i am older. what's a healthy way to let go of the handlebars?

and please don't say exercise.


3:35 PM  
Blogger dell said...

hey scruff

well get on yr bike then.

hope i see your handsomebones on the streets of my town. i guess you could pour me a drink sometime. that'd be nice. is this pub where i think it is?

it's weird to read your strangely centred notions. i'm talking layout; it's nice to read your thoughts though. glad to have stumbled upon YOU again.

wanna have a meeting sometime?

cmon. call me cunt.
the word verification is mfztlz.

msfits is a lez. or i'm dyslexic.
sorry she's lovely, how dare i take her name in vain. i do hope she's a bit lez. HA. i'll stop now. xxx

11:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i haven't had a drink since last monday night. i am feeling good but at that point where i think, well i've gone this far so i am not an alcoholic. maybe i can have just a glass here and there, now and then. this is what i've done in the past, and then in builds up again almost without me noticing. until i'm having too much. by the way, too much is not even every day. but sometimes i find it hard to stop at one or two.

i want to become a true aesthete. is that the person who does everything in moderation? i think so. do i want to be that person? can i? i think not.

2:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i forgot to put my letter above.

today it's


and i don't think i am who you think i am. you don't know me. but let's be friends anyway.

2:50 AM  
Blogger Alison said...

I'm sure I've read part of this posting before. Did it come to me first or was it recycled? Ho hum. I'd hate to think it was recycled. I'm an original, as are you. We aren't photocopies or recycled thoughts.

I just love reading your thoughts. I'm glad you take the time to share them with us.


4:05 AM  

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